Our Season

The following describes what our season was like pre-pandemic. Like others we've had to make adjustments. And it's not clear what we'll move toward in the future. But for many decades, this is what we did.


Fall Musical

Each fall MAD performs a large-cast musical production at the Barney & Bea Recreation Center at Goddard Space Flight Center.  We do as many as 16 performances in the last few weekends before Thanksgiving.  Sometimes characters are double-cast to allow greater participation or cover actors' travels. Consessions are often available for a donation. All the cast, crew, and orchestra (we frequently have over a dozen "in the pit") are volunteers, performing for their love of theater. 

Winter/Spring Show

Usually during February or March (though occassionally as late as May) we perform another show at the Rec Center.  This is most often a drama, though we have done small-cast musicals as well.  Again light snacks and beverages are usually available, and sometimes there is a live musical cabaret during the hour before the curtain.  We usually do eight performances over three weekends.

Workshop Show

During the spring MAD holds several workshops which culminate in performances to showcase singing, dancing, and drama.  In some past years, we have needed two nights to present the materials, but a single ticket has always provided entrance to the entire show.  When there are two parts, these are typically separated by several weeks to allow all the preparations for both shows.  More recently, the show has been done in a single evening. The venue is the building 8 auditorium or the building 3 auditorium.

Holiday Songfest

Our holiday songfest has its primary performance at noon in the middle of December, usually in the building 8 auditorium.  A chorus and soloists perform a variety of seasonal favorites.   This show is also repeated at various nursing and assisted-living facilities in the area


For those who look forward to being on stage, rehearsals start typically 6-9 weeks before the opening, with auditions one to three weeks before. The shows are selected 4-6 months in advance. To get all the information, sign up for our newsletters by clicking here.